pátek 2. srpna 2013

And the Oscar goes toooo.... Barbie!

Every girl and some boys as well have their childhood idol placed in this sweet beauty with blond hair originaly and later in her dark and red haired friends. For many many years nothing besides the haircolor and clothing changed radically in her appearence:

However Phillipinian artist Noel Cruz decided to change the concept of one-face beauty and started to create new toy world. His repainting technique is very famous in doll community. Destroying the image of common beauty, he is replacing it with faces of real people instead. Each doll is unique, as every man and every woman on Earth. Each re-created doll becomes a symbol of individual beauty. 
Some people might find it scary, some sort of woodoo:) but myself, I really love this concept and I feel it could be rather interesting as well, if the artist would turn his look to ordinary people, not only perfect movie stars.

Other images of Noel ´ s works you can find on his web: http://www.ncruz.com/

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