For half of girls wedding is a life-dream, for second half-a nightmare. For myself I have this two-side feelling-somedays I am just getting hysteric, but just now it is brilliant, as we found a theme for our party.
Both of us, we love travelling and we wanted to put this theme into our big day. As I found out now, it is not really extraordinary or any original, however it has another side-I have a lot of inspiration.
Here are some great ideas, if you are a travelling type and getting married as well you might profit from it as well :)
Wedding invitations
That is really important to start with wedding invitations, because this is what your friends and parents will see first and it will give them the idea of party:how formal it will be, what to expect etc. With themathics of traveling you have plenty of possibilities-you can work with travelling symbols as maps, compasses, transports etc
For us, as our wedding is two-national (Russian and Czech) we will use symbolics of pasport with logos of our countries. When it will be finished, I will put it here, the photo here below is illustrational
Wedding decorations
For those you just have so many brilliant ideas, that I am afraid of making my wedding too decorated, because I love most of them.
However one, that I will definitelly use is symbolism of flying balloons-it gives so many possibilities and it is so easy to make it by yourself! Just choose your colors and let´s fly!
Cake is a big mistery for us, as we couldn ´ t choose yet from all those great tastes. But for decoration we are thinking of something really simple, which can be for example siluets of different monuments, which are "faces" of cities and countries. It will show individuality, but will be simple enough to correspond with any colours you choose for the day-D (or better to say day-W).
Thanx in advance and cross your fingers!
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